Saturday, November 27, 2010

cedar shakes

It's a quiet, cold and kind of misty morn until I come in range of Manfred Man singing his heart out- you know the song: Bliiinded by the light, we were bliiiiinded by the light- Earthband's big and much giggled over hit (did he say DOUCHE?)
So ya Manfred singing. But picture this.... the big sound, blaring tunes? It's coming out of a very petite blaster plugged into a large extension cord- the bright orange kind?-that wraps it's way around the building, past the guy putting up new shingles and a fancy new sign, up the side stairs off the parking lot and into what will always be known to me as Snow's funeral home.

I repeat FUNERAL HOME.... are you with me???? Blinded.... we were Blinded by the light....

Glad I'm not a carry my latte kind of gal cuz you KNOW I would have sprayed that sucker all over the baby. All I could do was give him a big thumbs up with my red mittened hand. Nice one buddy. You made my day.
Snow's is where my grandparents and great aunt went or displayed or whatever and heck even a colleague of mine had her visitation there. It's becoming another Cruikshanks apparently. The Dignity logo has taken center stage. Very Six Feet Under.

Anyway with the change comes a revamp and I've been watching the slickyfication in progress. And last Tuesday there was guy on scaffolding nailing up shingles- nice neutral silvery gray.

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